Super Prostate 3x

Trusted for Over 5 Years
- Reputable Brand Name
- Includes Many beneficial ingredients
- Comes with 100% Guarantee
The Super Prostate 3x formula has been designed by Teraherbs to be an all-natural, potent, fast-acting, and effective formula for easing prostate issues. The Los Angeles based company states that its herbal prostate blend works to reduce prostate size, revitalize the flow of hormones, and even rejuvenate sexual glands. While these potential results may sound too good to be true, the product has, in fact, scored very well in our lab tests. With a Beta-sitosterol level of 359mg and 702mg of overall sterols, Teraherbs knows what it takes to make a worthwhile prostate supplement.
What’s in Super Prostate 3x?
From a laboratory score standpoint, Super Prostate 3x does have some good ingredients with a healthy level of sterols. Any natural prostate supplement with a beta-sitosterol score over 350mg is doing something right. Teraherbs also included a healthy number of vitamins and minerals, along with a laundry list of amino acids and other compounds. While many of these other ingredients may not directly support prostate health, they are a nice addition to have, even just to support overall health and fitness.
Super Prostate 3x still has also given its formula a nice boost with its inclusion of a Plant Phytosterol Complex that has 45% Beta-sitosterol. Teraherbs has chosen several ingredients with some high-quality sterols, and it does indeed show in their lab scores. These high-quality ingredients are also included in rather generous amounts as well.
Will Super Prostate 3x Produce Results?
When it comes down to it, Super Prostate 3x has all the necessary building blocks to make a quality prostate supplement. Teraherbs has obviously done their homework, and they’ve included a generous amount of Beta-Sitosterol and overall sterols, as well as a wide range of vitamins, amino acids, and other compounds. Men suffering from any number of various prostate issues could find serious results with Super Prostate 3x.
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